Saturday, July 14, 2012


This Final took so much out of me I started Wednesday and I am just finishing today at 2:12. I changed my idea for this final so many time I can't remember what my first idea was. I'm happy with this class I've learned so much and I can't wait till I get the chance to take game deign 3 but for now I'm going to bed. See you next term.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Pool Party

This is the other photo I did. I didn't choose this one cause I couldn't get the water right. The more I tried to fix it the more things went wrong. I'm still working on it and I hope I came make it work in the future.

My KIdz

I made two pictures for this assignment I will post the other one later today. I choose this one because of the back ground. I took it at my house as my kidz playing outside. I choose it because of the ground design if you look chosely at the ground its a crazy brick design. This was fun to do I also tryed to take out the date at the bottom of the photo but it was mess with the look of my photo.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


This is the way the last assignment was suppose to be. And this is the the end of the project the moon entering the earths atmosphere. I hard some trouble at first but it all came back to me and I was able to complete it and did and good job I think.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Space Pool

For that project we were told to use everything we learned about making a space scene and make one of our own using three picture we were given a meteor, the earth and the moon. I was going to flip the scene around that we did in class by making the moon the main planet and the earth the smaller one, and have the earth chasing into the moon. But that would have been to much like the assignment we are doing in class so I didn't do that one. So I decided to have a little fun with it I add a pool table and all the planets in our solar system. Finding the right pool player was hard but once I saw this way I had to have him (No Homo). With the meteor I decided that it was the perfect object to use the radial blur tool and it came out great. This was by far my favorite assignment to date because I can see how good I'm getting with Photoshop.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Star light Star Bright

This was one of the easier assignments we've had so far. The assignment was to turn this morning picture into a night picture. We learned how to make a star night sky last class so I used that knowledge to change sky sky from night to day.  After that I created a new layer and placed a moon in the night sky. To darken the image to make it look like it was night used the brightness and contrast tool in the adjustment window to lower the lighting in the picture. The tent was the hard part for some reason the brightness/contrast tool didn't work on the tent. I had to use the paint bucket tool to darken the tent. It still didn't come out right I think it's my computer I've been having trouble with using photo shop lately. I'm going to get to class early and work on it before I have to turn it in to my instructor.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Metor City

This project was fun to do. IT was hard but very fun to see what I could do with it. Making the fire was the hardest part. I did the best I could it not my best work but I'm getting better at it. I still have a lot to do my computer crashed sunday so I couldnt finish. I'm going to work on it more on my own time.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Blending 101

Sorry it took so long to post my new blog but my internet's been down since Friday, but I back. In this assignment I was asked to use what I learned in class about blending to go from one color to other. This was no easy task as you can see from my work but I think its good for my first time. Using the mouse to do this made this project harder because it's hard for me to go in a straight line with the mouse. I had to use different brush presets to get the look of fading. I got it as close as I could using the mouse and my shaky hand good work if I do say so myself.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Brushes Please

This project was fun turning some of my favorite pictures into brush presets. First off let me say I think these are some bad ass presets. The first set of presets were not that hard to do scorpion took a minute because of the spear. The bottom five took more time cause I had trouble customizing the brushes I made. It took a while to figure it out but after that it was easier. The Scattering one hard at first cause I didn't know that I had to hold the left mouse down and move it to make it scatter. That's why there's two of those pictures in different places.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Green Bean

I choose two pictures that I took when I was out with my wife. One was of the bean at Millennium Park and the other was also at Millennium park but in a different area. I was looking at the picture of the bean and thought that it could use some color. So I blended both pictures adding grass to the ground making it look like the bean was it a different part of the park. After that I decided that I would change the seasons by adding some red to the trees to make it look like the fall.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Museum of Science and Technology

This picture I have choose is of the day I took my children to the Museum of Science the Industry and no the little white boy is not my son. I think I picked the wrong picture for this because it was very hard to find five thing's. The little boy was the easiest because he's the only person in the picture. In the original photo the boy's was very bright because of the flash. So I added more yellow in to the shirt and took the brightness down a little. I also change the mountains at the top and all that crazy shit in the middle. I changed the floor as well I added more blue to it. The last thing I did was the plane I changed the grey scale of the plane and lighten it up.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Cock fight Champion

With this pic I decided to it was to dark so I adjusted the brightness and the contrast to make everything more visible. After I got the brightness and contrast the way I liked them I adjusted the blacks and grays in the levels tap better see the colors in the wings and the shadows on the ground. Using the curves opinion in this pic was hard I made small changes because I was happy with the changes I had already made to the blacks, white, and grays. All in all I'd say that pic version of the pic is much better.


This picture has beautiful greens in it but, the picture itself was very dull looking. The first thing i did was to add more contrast to the picture and brighten it up a bit. I also used the level to slightly adjust the grays and the darkness between the trees. I adjusted the whites as well to brighten up the sky. After all my changes I think the picture looks much better then the original.

High Contract Bird

This picture was very high in contrast. Using the Adjustment opinion I lowered the contrast to better set the colors apart. I also added a little more white to the picture. I didn't really change the levels because they looked go to me. The curves I moved very little to get the color just right. At first glance the two pictures look the same but they are very different. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Hair 1&2

This was a picture from my Game Design 2 class. The assignment was i remove the background from the image. This pic wasnt to hard to hard bacause the background was all white. I used the quick mask mode, marquee tool and the brush tool. I also used the Mugic Ward tool was well to get in between the hair lines.

The second image was harder because of the green background. I think that was the point one was to be harder then the other. I used all the same tools in this one as well mostly the marquee tool. It was diffcult to get the green out the best way for me was the magic wand tool. I work on this one for hours and I was start to make the image look bad so I did what I could and stopped.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

If you could work at any game company, which would it be and why?

When I was younger I all wanted to make my own games to had so many ideas I even wrote a short game doc when I was about twelve years old. Back then I just wanted to make a game I never thought about what company I wanted to work for until the PlayStation can out. After play that system fell in love with the company and wanted to work for them. Now that I'm older and a lot of more knowledgeable I still would love to work for Sony but, I wouldn't pass up the chance work for any company I could. I would like to work for Naughty Dog because after seeing the work they did on the Uncharted series and how far the company has come I love the chance to work with them. Another company I'd like to work for is EA. I never liked the company back in the day because it seemed like they only made sports game and I don't play sports game. I want like to work for that company because they make some great game not just sports anymore. I believe I could learn so much for both companies.

The next big leap in the gaming industry?

That is very hard to say because so much has been done I the gaming industry I can't imagine what will be next. If you had asked me about six years ago I would have said 3D. I think the next step has been made in the form of the 3DS that is 3D gaming without the use of glasses. I think the next step it 3D gaming without glasses. There are signs that they are moving toward that goal. Things like 3D glasses that can be used on 2D TV's making them 3D and games that can work with these glasses. Games like Batman Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, and Assassin's Creed: Revelations. I won't be surprised to see games using this technology in the near future.

$1 game featuring Kittens

Paws of Fury. You are Puss Valentine a simply cat living the good life with his wife Missy Valentine. One day your wife is taken by a jealous cat name Billy Hartless. A enemy from your life when you use to sell cat-nip on the streets. He won't return her to you until pay him 1,000,000 pounds of cat-nip. You now have to chooses in the game. Path one attack enemy gangs to and steal there cat-nip from the bosses. Path two you can attack Billy Hartless and his gang head on to get your wife back. Both paths will have you facing Billy at the end. If you choose to fight the different gangs and kill Billy at the end you and your wife will go home as millionaires. If you choose to go after Billy and his gang and kill him you and your wife will go home and have a litter of babies.

A unique concept for an original Wii, Move, or Kinetic game from my son Jaiuan

I think a good kinetic game would be basketball because most young boys of the age 9-15 like basketball and   most of them need something to do with their extra time then to sell drugs or be a gangsta. It would work by you making you a character you would just make your shirt and your shorts then you will make your own team. How to work it is by putting your right foot forward and your character will run down the court. Then you will shake your hand up and down to dribble the ball down the court. Then if you wanted to shoot it you have to move your hand like you going to shoot in real life. Now if you want to slam dunk it you have to jump up and throw your hands down like you is hitting something on the head.

Wii, Move, or Kinect game.

It's so hard to come up with something new for the Wii, Move,or Kinect. It seems like everything that can be done has been done. So, instead of coming up with a new game I came up with a new feature for the Xbox Kinect I call it Picture World. It is not a game it a feature that can be  downloaded from the Marketplace for 800 points. Ones downloaded you can use the Kinects ability to take pictures of yourself and add all kinds of things to your picture. Things like smiley faces, hearts, and use the Kinects motion feature to draw anything you can imagine. Not only will you be able to edit your pictures but you will also be able to upload your pictures to a flash drive and print your photos. In the future a new feature for 80 points will be added that will allow you to add characters from different games into your photo and allow you to edit pictures from your USB as well. Another feature will be added down the line that will allow you to add your Avatar into your photo as well. For another 80 points.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

"Flow" a.k.a "In the Zone"

I've play hundreds of games in my life time and I've been in the zone or flow for most of them. For all you none gamer's out there being in the zone or the flow of a game is that point when you get so into your game that you get tunnel vision and the world outside the game no longer manner. If you still don't know what I'm talking about have you ever played a game and after you were done you looked up at the clock and you just loosed five hour that's flow. Like I said I've been there many times before but none as bad as Batman Arkham City. This game is so damn good that I hit flow as soon as I started it.The game play was great the story was over the top and the end was satisfying and unexpected. This game did a great job at keeping your attention from start to finish. I would play this game so much and I got so good at it I could beat it in one day. It got so bad that I would block out my wife and kids until I was done for the day. After I beat the game a total of 10 times I had to make myself stop playing the game. Its been about a mouth since I've played the game. I'm playing Mass Effect 3 now and I think it's happening again. HELP ME!!!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The first game you remember playing regularly

The very first game I remember playing regularly is Super Mario Bros. the one with Duck Hunt in the same cartridge. I still remember the first time I ever saw a Nintendo. I was about 8 or 9 years old and I was on my porch playing around and I fell. Before I was able to get up I saw my moms old Nintendo in a box. I had no idea what it was so when my mom woke up I asked her what it was. She told me it was her old game system I had never heard of a video game before so I asked her what it did so she hooked it up gave me the controller and let me play.

For some reason when I picked up that controller it was like second nature to me. I played those games all night long. Sometimes my grandma would play Duck Hunt with us and kick our ass from the back of the room. My sister was so good at Duck Hunt she could shoot the ducks before they could come out the grass I still don't know how she did it. I remember waiting till my mom and aunt went to work at night and my grandma would fall asleep. I would sneak into the front room turn the volume down and play till about 3 in the morning. In all that time I never beat the game till I was about 15 years old.

I remember my cousin showed me how to get infinite lives on one of the levels. I still couldn't beat that damn game. My aunt would try to beat the game before me so she would put me and my sister to bed early just so she had more time time play and beat it before me. I remember she did get close she got to the final castle but couldn't get to the boss. I played that game for a long time even when I got my Sega Genesis.

The worst game you’ve ever played

The worst game I've ever played was Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi by Bandai. This game was terrible on almost every level. Dragonball Z Sagas was bad but this game sets a whole bar for a bad DBZ game.
He game fighting systems was the worst I've ever seen in a DBZ or any fighting game for that matter. The graphic were no better then the DBZ games on the PS2. The fighting system was all chance you started fight with some one and you would get this match mini-game where you had to press triangle, square, circle, or X. 

All you have to do is match the same button as the other player. So you never know if you are going to make the right choice. There's no skill need just the luck of the draw. The graphics are not to much better than the old ones. It looks like they tried to give the game more depth with the characters bodies, but I would like to have seen something better. I didn't care to much for the story mode either. All that flying around looking for a battle was nerve revoking. I like the old school story mode where you went from battle to battle with bad ass cut scenes in between. I thing that the game designers shouldn't used the title Ultimate Tenkaichi because the Tenkaichi series was the best in DBZ game history. The game in my eyes just shit on the the Tenkaichi name. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

New Bogger

This is my very first time blogging just call me Ryuken that's what I'm called online. I'm a gamer so my main subject is going to be about games you guested it. I play all kinds of games not so much sports games but I'm starting to. I don't play to many racing games either they get boring to fast, but I did like split/second.