Sunday, April 15, 2012

The next big leap in the gaming industry?

That is very hard to say because so much has been done I the gaming industry I can't imagine what will be next. If you had asked me about six years ago I would have said 3D. I think the next step has been made in the form of the 3DS that is 3D gaming without the use of glasses. I think the next step it 3D gaming without glasses. There are signs that they are moving toward that goal. Things like 3D glasses that can be used on 2D TV's making them 3D and games that can work with these glasses. Games like Batman Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, and Assassin's Creed: Revelations. I won't be surprised to see games using this technology in the near future.

1 comment:

  1. dont know i dont think that 3d would be that suprisen that it will be comming out because they were already working on 3d things 6 years ago and i already figer out that they were going to do this with the 3d in gaming.
