Sunday, April 15, 2012

If you could work at any game company, which would it be and why?

When I was younger I all wanted to make my own games to had so many ideas I even wrote a short game doc when I was about twelve years old. Back then I just wanted to make a game I never thought about what company I wanted to work for until the PlayStation can out. After play that system fell in love with the company and wanted to work for them. Now that I'm older and a lot of more knowledgeable I still would love to work for Sony but, I wouldn't pass up the chance work for any company I could. I would like to work for Naughty Dog because after seeing the work they did on the Uncharted series and how far the company has come I love the chance to work with them. Another company I'd like to work for is EA. I never liked the company back in the day because it seemed like they only made sports game and I don't play sports game. I want like to work for that company because they make some great game not just sports anymore. I believe I could learn so much for both companies.

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